Product Description
  • 01
    The sealing is synchronized with the breaking point, and the back cover is firm and beautiful.
  • 02
    This machine can process continuous rolling through garbage bags, continuous rolling flat bags and flat bags.
  • 03
    This machine adopt computer control and servo motor structure model.
  • 04
    The whole machine adopts a one-stop production line with a high degree of automation.
This machine is an ideal equipment for producing various kinds of plastic flexible packaging such as continuous roll and string garbage bags, flat open continuous roll garbage bags and so on.
It is suitable for making LDPE, HDPE and other continuous reel (drawstring) garbage bags, flat-mouth continuous reel garbage bags, etc.
Raw Materials
Common materials:High pressure polyethylene, low pressure polyethylene, linear high pressure material, ect. Degradable Materials:Thermoplastic starch, biocellulose, polysaccharides, PLA, PHA, PBAT, PBS, PPC, PGA, etc.
High Pressure Polyethylene
Low Pressure Polyethylene
Thermoplastic Starch
YG Qualifications
YG has ISO 9001 certification and passes CE standards, and has obtained more than 20 patents.
Cooperative Partner
17 years of experience in mechanical research and development, products can be customized according to customer needs, One-stop service, constantly get high praise from customers.
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